Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The healthier You for Christmas...

It's the most wonderful time of the year
"It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings
And great happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the hap-happiest season of all"

I love hearing this traditional Christmas song being played on the radio, especially when it's the Andy Williams version of the song. It puts me into such a happy Christmas mood because it makes me realize that it is the most wonderful time of the year, the happiest season of all. It's a time of giving, sharing and fellowship with our friends and family. Don't let all the busyness and hustle &bustle ruin the joy of this Christmas season. Focus on counting the blessings and the good memories being created as you get together with your loved ones.

As you wind down for the year, it's the perfect time to reflect on how your life progressed in the past year. Remember the good things that happened this year. Did you get a promotion or new job? Got married? New baby in the family? New house, car or iPhone :-) It can be a good change whether big or small, it doesn't matter; as long as it brought you some happiness, joy, peace or hope.

And don't forget the hard times too. Whether it was a personal event or not, life can be hard at times and it's how you overcome the obstacle that makes you grow. Were you affected by Hurricane Sandy, financial issues, divorce, lost your job, medical issues? Whatever your trials may be, what's most important is how much you have grown and matured to get through each and every day. It's easier to say that tomorrow will be a better day when you're not living through the situation but when it impacts you directly; it feels like the whole world is crumbling. But there is hope; tomorrow will be better, you will overcome your situation and life goes on one step at a time. Look back to see how much strong you have become this year and the things you have learned through the situation. You are stronger today then you were a week ago. Give yourself some credit for the small accomplishments.. Go You!!

As we look towards the New Year, it's time to take charge of things that you can control: Your Health. This year was the beginning for me to make changes to my health. I decided to take the challenge to just be healthier. I started looking at my food choices first. I don't eat much but when I looked at the things I do eat, there was a lot of carbs and sugar. You don't realize how much snacking throughout the day is a really bad idea.

So I decided to take the Ultimate health challenge by Beach Body. Beach Body is known for Tony Horton's P90 or P90X and a lot of other great exercise programs that you see on TV infomercials but recently they come out with nutritional programs. They added a healthy meal replacement drink called Shakeology and a 21-day reset/detox program called Ultimate Reset. I had friends who tried the reset program and it worked wonders.

The Ultimate reset can help release years of accumulated toxins in your mid section which I had plenty of It's a simple to follow three phase program that will reset your body so you can feel, look, and be healthier in just three weeks!!!
I was hesitant at first but I saw a few of my friends try the program and they felt better and lost some weight in the process.

The Beachbody Ultimate Reset helps to:
• Reclaim your body’s natural balance (Week 1)
• Release the harmful materials you may be storing within you (Week 2)
• Restore your system to its maximum health (Week 3)

It was a body tune up that was gentle to the body and I didn't starve at all.
The benefits of the reset will help to improve your overall health and also help flush organs of toxins, lower your cholesterol, improve your digestion, increase your energy, improve your mood and focus better, eliminate dependencies on sugar and caffeine. I was up for all these benefits and was looking forward to losing some weight in the process.

After having gone through the reset program, I lost 10 lbs, dropped 1 pants size, shirts are looser now.
I was drinking a lot more water daily, my skin looked amazing.. I was getting complements that my skin looked like it was glowing :-)
It has also helped to reduce my sugar intake overall, I don't have the cravings for dessert after dinner or Starbucks coffee in the afternoon. The best part of it was the way my stomach area looked. I was always bloated and it has made the midsection slimmer and softer to the touch. I think most of the weight was lost through all the elimination of the toxins in my abdomen area during the first week.
I've kept off the weight and eating better now. So for this Christmas season, I'll be replacing my baggy clothes to ones that actually fit my new body size :-)

If you're ready to take control of your health in the coming year. Take the Ultimate Health Challenge and reset your body with Ultimate Reset.

~~Words of Encouragement~~
The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do and will fill your storehouses with grain. The Lord your God will bless you in the land he is giving you. Deuteronomy 28:8 (NLT)


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